A Collection of Projects and Thoughts

Upcoming Projects

  • Finish Harvard’s CS50x course
  • Learn Java/Kotlin
  • Learn Python
  • Complete Network+
  • Learn Godot
  • Learn GO
  • Create a simple calculator application for Android (Kotlin)
  • Create a simple program to list valid credit card numbers given the first 12 numbers and brand (Python)
  • Create a password cracking program from scratch (Python)
  • Creating a network attached storage with high uptime (Unix)
  • Attempt modification of Nintendo Switch
  • Create a simple bot that makes a post on a website (Java)
  • Create proof-of-concept free-trial bot system (Python/Java)
  • Try my hand at hack-the-box and bug bounty hunting
  • Learn HTML/CSS/JavaScript and host website locally
  • Create my own password-cracking program (Python)
  • Recompile and reverse engineer a program (C/C++/Assembly?)
  • Mobile DAW with AI-integration (Kotlin/Python/Java?)